I recall seeing a flurry of these 'composite' shots last year but not so many this year. I was keen on getting better Icy Giants and went after Uranus and Neptune with as much precision as I could. In all my hasty planning, I let Pluto slip away. It's still a planet in my book so I'll have to give it just desserts next year! I had some photos of the sun shining on the trees in my front yard and thought I'd add that to round it out, but you might find those on my homepage just as easily and I thought it would mess with the 'flow' of the sequence.
Living document, I do plan in incorporating changes and suggestions over time and will reversion and date accordingly so please send feedback. Please critique, that's how we all get better!
All the routines in this HowTo use applications running on Linux, even the windows only software packages run under Wine (http://www.winehq.org) running under Linux. All of the video screencasts are recorded and produced using applications running on Linux. I am confident that all software and processes detailed in this HowTo can be run on MS Windows with one exception. The capture software I use, Coriander, will run only on Linux. Even some of the bash scripts may be run under Cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com/) although I've not tried myself. Never fear, the main method of this HowTo still applies to users running on MS Windows.
Once everything is connected up I follow the 'custom coriander 1.0.0' modified by Anthony Wesley (aka Bird - http://acquerra.com.au/astro/software/coriander/ ). This document is a work in progress and you may email me for a preview!
After completing your captures you may move onto the next section that moves data from 'transit' to 'sorted'. It is important to note that this coriander outputs a static image stream not a .avi or video file. This saves me a step extracting the movie to images later on!
I prepare all captured source images that are really .fit files by passing it through ninox (http://acquerra.com.au/astro/software/ppmcentre/) to sort and crop the images and then output to a new subdirectory called 'sorted' The full script is a bash script and can be found here:
This, “-width=300 -height=300 -cutx=300 -cuty=300” crops the images to a square 300x300 pixel size
This “-qestimator -qrenumber” sorts the data and renumbers the images based on quality
This “-outdir=Astronomy/Sorted/2-Scratch/Jupiter-$1/$2 /Astronomy/Transit/1-Corianders/$1/$2” allows me to specify a new folder in a sorted (not transit) folder for safer keeping. The $1 and $2 are the arguments passed to the script at runtime in which $1 is the ISO date that coriander writes ( IE 20081122) and $2 is the UTC time (IE 001122UTC).
NOTE at as of 2008.12.12 - I was unable to get AviStack to load the .fit files that I work with. A shame too as the batch mode looks VERY promising!
Double Click for widescreen video or press the links below
Switch align mode from “Default (single)” to none. No align, no reference.
Locate a good cutoff point by moving the frame slider at the bottom left and right. Good frames are on the left and bad frames on the right. For example I typically stack the good frames on the 'left', typically 500 of the total 1500.
Now hit the limit button to trim out the bad frames on the 'right' that will not be stacked.
Notice that after hitting the limit button you will skip the Optimize tab and go directly to the stack tab. At the stack tab simply hit the stack button. Ninox has already sorted and aligned the data so there is no reason to have registax do it again. Some folks believe that ninox's alignment is actually better and or more efficient than registax's.
After stacking you are at the wavelet phase. I typically apply 3 schemes much like a Small, Medium and Large drink sizing.
No wavelets or a raw stack. This is my small wavelets scheme, denoted as R0.tif (Where R is the color, like R,G or B)
And something I call Ice 150% Which is basically about 50% more than the medium scheme listed above. This is my v7 (large) wavelets scheme, denoted as R71.tif
3 @ 15.2, 4 @ 22.6, 5 @ 24.6.
Net net is that you've got to find a sweet spot for your optics, conditions and taste.
If you save the files to the hhmmssUTC name (Up one folder when hitting the save button and has the numbered filter subdirectories under it), with the x7.tif filenames then you can use this bash script (http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2c029c78ccec6d383eb48d43a6cb8a62606ebfa4f4a2d337) to slide the Registax files into Iris and back again in a pretty cool manner. When using this script, first verify the directory locations agree with your Registax and Iris working directories. This step is an optimization when working with many files and not completely necessary, as you can move the files manually.
Working Folder → “YOUR FOLDER” (such as C:\astronomy\temp\irisscratch 2000-01-01\)
Copy the file names R7.tif (Red Channel), G7.tif (Green Channel) and B7.tif (Blue Channel) to the Iris “Working Path” folder
Bring up an Iris command prompt by clicking this button
Now type the command, “run planet” VIOLA!!!
Fine tuning of the separate RGB channel alignment:
View LRGB and set channels to:
Red: R7
Green: G7
Blue: B7
Now set the step to 10
Set the channel you wish to move via the radio button
Use the arrows in the upper right to move the channel around relative to the other channels.
Change the Step value to something smaller or larger based on your needs
When done, click OK
Save as the format you like.
Processing in Iris
Processing → Wavelets...
Typically I apply a very small scheme such as....
Unsharp mask
Processing → Unsharp Mask
This can make the data over processed quickly so be careful. You will have an opportunity to remove noise or oversharpening in the next step
Processing → Blur Filter...
Sometimes I add the full amount in the 1st run and have to run it again iteratively.
Iris resize and or final visu levels - save as .bmp for sending to gimp (anyone know any gimp/iris compatible formats, let me know!) and .jpg for web
There is a great whitebalance option available by using the mouse to select a portion of the image that 'should be' white. Then in the command window type 'white'. You may also tweak via the "View -> White Balance Adjustment". The same can be done for setting a black background. The video shows this well!
I have another Iris script that runs here to save as a variety of formats. These then get picked up by the bash script waiting for us. The data then returns to the 4-TempStacked folder.
Run iris7 (savejpg “name” 1) etc...
MS Windows Addendum:
Carried forward from my v5 routine.
Batch .avi to .bmp conversion:
Use VirtualDub to convert/extract the .avi video to .bmp still images:
all the Red, Green and Blue files are mixed in the same directory. Here's an example script to sort into subdirectories. My IC Capture filenames might not match yours, but have a look.
I keep pushing my mostly stock C8i SE. A few nights ago I actually managed to get decent tracking for over 3 hours. I was able to salvage ~170 x 60s subs for a not so bad shot.
Hope you like my humble attempt, I was pretty impressed as I think galaxies are on the harder side to capture, unguided on an unmodded DSLR?!