Sunday, February 24, 2008

DMK 21AF04 via Linux Coriander and IC Capture FPS expermientation

Ubuntu Linux and Coriander

I'm looking into alternatives for using my DMK in a Linux environment.
So far I've looked at UCView ( and Coriander (the Anthony Wesley version -

What I'm noticing is that the settings I'm used to using:

1/8s @ 7.5fps
1/15s @ 15fps
1/60s ...

are not working properly in Coriander. I seem to be able to get 60fps properly (in a 60s capture I get about 3500+ frames of a theoretical 3600 frames). What's not working are 30fps and 15 fps. Is soon as I setup values lower than 1/30s @ 30fps it drops to 20fps. Which in and of itself is a setting I cannot get in IC capture on the same laptop (Thinkpad T60P). However, I'm stuck not being able to get values between 20fps and 60fps.

Settings screenshot

Receive settings (no display, which seems to slow it down tremendously)

Changing from 60fps to 30fps in the trigger or changing the exposure from 1/31 to 1/30 or even 1/45s doesn't seem to help much.

Anyone else that does not use IC Capture and non-mac software?


Good Cloudy Nights thread here

.CSV File

FPS Exposure # of frames in 10seconds (3 samples) Theoritical max

60 1/30 202

60 1/27

60 1/23

60 1/21

60 1/18

60 1/16

60 1/15 120

60 1/13

60 1/11

60 1/10 84

60 1/9

60 1/8 70

60 1/7 60

60 1/6 53

60 1/5

30 1/30 290, 297, 280 300
30 1/27 144, 144, 144 270
30 1/23 134, 134, 134 230
30 1/21 124, 124, 124 210
30 1/18 114, 114, 114 180
30 1/16 106, 106, 106 160
30 1/15 101, 101, 101 150
30 1/13 89 130
30 1/11 81 110
30 1/10 74 100
30 1/9 67 90
30 1/8 63 80
30 1/7 54, 54 70
15 1/6
30 1/5 44, 44 50

15 1/30 149, 149, 149 150
15 1/27 149 150
15 1/23 149 150
15 1/21 149 150
15 1/18
15 1/16 149, 149, 149 150
15 1/15 149 150
15 1/13 69, 69, 69 130
15 1/11 64 110
15 1/10 60, 60 100
15 1/9 55 90
15 1/8 53 80
15 1/7 46 70
15 1/6 42 60
15 1/5 44 50

7.5 1/8 74, 74 75
7.5 1/7 36, 36 70
7.5 1/6 33 60

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Registax & Seeing

Registax processing of a RED channel on Mars from Dec 28, 2007 - 0315UT. I judged the seeing to be ~5/10 at the time of focus on Betelgeuse just minutes before this was taken. Post processing revealed so much detail I hesitate to judge the seeing as average. Looking at the graph and say that the lower left portion of 'good' frames was more like 7+/10 seeing and the top right portion of frames was the less than 5/10 seeing.

Astronomy Photo Gallery

Partial Planetary Processing Routine v5

Planetary Processing Routine

by Michael A. Phillips

1) Acquistion

1. TBD

2) Prep

3) Scripted VirtualDub Job Creation

1. Creates .avi -> .bmp job for VirtualDub

1. Download script here for windows:

2. Load job in Vdub

4) Ninox Sorting

1. In Ubuntu linux with wine run:

1. Bash scirpt to run ninox

1. wine /Astronomy/Software/Ninox/ninox-2.29/ninox -width=180 -height=180 -cutx=440

-cuty=440 -qestimator -renumber=last -overwrite /Astronomy/2-Scratch/$1

2. Sort by rgb capture via bash script

Bash script that sorts LRGB image series into sub-folders for organization and processing -

5) Registax

1. Drag and Drop from source (sometimes multiple drag & drops)

2. Align to taste

3. Optimize (not Optimize & Stack)

1. Reference with mild wavelets (3:10.5 , 4:15.2)

2. Mitchell Resample 2.0 for most work

4. Stack

1. Move slider from top to bottom to pick either:

1. Hotspot near hockey stick of bad seeing

2. 400-500 best

5. Wavelets

1. Mars:

1. Chris Go – like scheme

1. Initial layer = 2

2. 1:13.5 , 2:12.5 , 3:12.5

2. Save as 16-bit .tiff

6) AstraImage

1. Load raw mono channels one at a time (R-CG.tif)

2. Typical settings for my C8i, DMK21AF04 at Mitchell 2.0 resample are

1. Mars

1. Curve 2.0

2. Iterations 5.0

Clean up routine

A. Move final processed images from Sorted: 4-TempStacked to Save: 5-FinalSaves

B. Move .zip's from Sorted: 2-Scratch to Save: 3-Zipped-Ninoxes

C. Move / Delete .avi's from Transit: 1-Captures to Temp: 4-Captures-Sorted

D. Verify that Sorted: 2-Scratch is completely removed

E. Add relevant stats and comparison charts to Save: 5-FinalSaves